Drugs abuse prevention workshop

CSPRO Academy’s mission includes connecting education and football hence our head coach Musset Zengeni is attending the Brotha2brotha workshop sponsored by the Zimbabwe Aids Council which is being held at Hunyani Hills Hotel at Lake Chivero.
Brotha2brotha clubs are mentorship groups for adolescent boys and young men who are usually left out of most health, Gender Transformation, and Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH) programs.
These clubs offer safe, youth-friendly, and comprehensive SRH information through a SPORTS-centered intervention. Other important aspects during this workshop include:
•learning of skills and techniques to overcome daily challenges faced by the youths.
•Building of male role models to positively influence peers and community on SRH issues including reporting abuse cases.
•Assistance in reducing drug abuse
•Encouragement of entrepreneurship.
•Helping school dropouts back to school
For our coaches, it’s not only about teaching football in our Academy and community. The goal is also to groom the youths into responsible men and reduce Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), and Gender-Based Violence (GBV) incidences.
All the best coach.